Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Ballad of the Four Queens

Once upon a time,
long long ago,
there was only one Queen
surrounding Her King
from every direction
she had no color,
she had no form

He called Her
My Endless Power
She called Him
My Shining Eye

Love was their Law

Then, much later,
the Queen split in two
like a hatching egg:
two Queens there were
one Black
one Red
at the opposite sides
of the world
two twin sisters
outwardly enemies
inwardly friends
facing two Kings

Much time passed
(or perhaps not )
each Queen
filled to the brim
split in two:
two seeds each

Hearts & Diamonds
Club & Spades

each on one side
of the vast world
eternally revolving
in the magical wheel
like a snake
eating its tail

Four Queens
Four Kings
and no one
in the Center

Then, after aeons
of mad play
the Kings turned
into Knaves
serving their Queens

and the Story began...


Sah Elizabeth said...

I don't have certain if I understood completly... but, reading this I felt your beauty. It is a very nice and delightful poem.


Dr. Anthony Mistero said...

I am not sure I understand it myself: it came to me while I was pondering on the deck of cards and I wrote it down.

Thanks for your words (the poem needs some polishing, to be sure)


Sah Elizabeth said...

I know how it is, I have some texts as well ... make sense, but not word for word. I don't know! But it's a good creative process. I think ..


Dr. Anthony Mistero said...

There is so much knowledge stored in a deck of cards, and I plan to dig it up. If you know how it is, maybe you can help digging.


Anonymous said...

E' finito il tempo per me di essere una regina. Ora sono pronta per uscire dal mazzo così come tu sei pronto a far volar via la tua anima. Nessun seme, nessun colore, solo un re trasformato. Il tuo punto di partenza è ora anche il tuo punto di arrivo. Felice di essere spettatrice di questa nascita meravigliosa. Racconta il bambino e l'uomo apprende.
Io ascolto ed imparo.....


Dr. Anthony Mistero said...

Tu vuoi cavartela a buon mercato, Johakim. Non e' possibile. Io non ho seme ne colore, tu nemmeno, nessuno lo ha, ma le carte fanno quello che devono fare.

Le carte sono il gioco di un Bambino Divino, e' triste fare la carta, talvolta, ma se le guardi con gli occhi di un bambino il mondo e' un gran teatro. Io non posso insegnarti nulla, solo ti dico: guarda il mazzo. Forse sarai tu ad insegnarmi qualcosa.
