Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Queen of Diamonds

Don't you draw the queen of diamonds boy
She'll beat you if she's able.
You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet.
Now it seems to me, some fine things
Have been laid upon your table.
But you only want the ones
That you can't get.

Eagles, Desperado, 1973.

Quite prophetic and true.
I always knew the Queen of Heart would be my best bet.
But, how can one forget the challenge of the previous line?

She'll beat you if she's able.

Indeed she will.
But, I am not here to have a easy life.
What I want is strife, to grow.

I''ll always welcome my Queen of Diamonds.


Anonymous said...

Life is not an adventure unless you MAKE IT SO.

Dr. M — stack the deck with diamonds!

Dr. Anthony Mistero said...

GP, thanks for visiting! I found you through our common web acquaintance Polymathicus (incidentally, if you talk to him, please tell him to RECIPROCATE, as I put HIS site on my blogroll).
Your own blog has so much to be commended that, soon or later, you''ll see me there (right now, I regret to say, I am in the middle of pressing matters).

As for your suggestion, it is DIAMOND, of course. I shall not forget it.

Talking about diamonds,
it gives me a important hint for this site: the issue of money.
It also reminds me of another important issue, related to the first: diamonds are girls best friends.


Anthony Mistero